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Source of Data:

Data files


We set out to answer the following questions, across four themes:




Topic Modeling


We attempted to answer these questions through the following methods:

Data Exploration and Visualization (Sanjana and Jae)

Sentiment Analysis (Jae)

Topic Model of Comments (Lei)


Data Exploration

Number of Submissions by Subreddit
Number of Submissions by Subreddit

Reddit is a collection of subreddits, where each subreddit is a forum dedicated to a specific topic. From the data we collected, we observed that the highest number of submissions belonged to r/AskReddit, a popular subreddit for Redditors (users of Reddit) to ask and answer any kind of question. r/Futurology, a subreddit where people speculate about humanity, technology, and civilization, came in second.

Number of Submissions by Year
Number of Submissions by Year

We observed that the number of submissions (posts on Reddit) increased over the years. This could be an artefact of collecting search results, or there could be more discourse about male contraception due to recent research advancements.

Number of comments by year
Number of comments by year

The number of comments under each submission also follows a similar trend. Interesting to note is the dip in 2020, right before the sharp rise in 2021.

Users commenting in multiple posts

We drew histogram of users commenting in multiple Reddit submissions.


Click to expand for more details on histogram

Histogram of users commenting in multiple Reddit submissions.

Using matplotlib to represent the frequency of usernames present in multiple Reddit submissions.

Location Mentions

Number of Times US States Mentioned in Comments

We used SpaCy to perform Named Entity Recognition (NER) on the comments. USA was the most-mentioned country, and India was second. We decided to focus our work on US locations. We used the Nominatim API to get the US state names for the locations, thus filtering out non-US mentions. We also manually eliminated words such as “anesthesia” that were incorrectly tagged as locations during the NER phase.

California, Texas, New York, and Florida were the states with the most locations mentioned in comments.

But if we consider the number of mentions per 100k residents, we see a shift in the map. The District of Columbia tops the list, followed by North Dakota and Montana. Following is a graph of the mentions per 100k residents scaled by a factor of 100.

Top word used in the most-mentioned US states

The following pictures show the top words used in each state: California, Texas, New York, and Florida respectively.

California Top Words Texas Top Words New York Top Words Florida Top Words

Some notable words:

Sentiment Analysis

histogram histogram histogram

Click to expand for more details on sentiment analysis

Sentiment Analysis

Using VADER sentiment analysis, the overall sentiment of each Reddit submissions was calculated by analyzing all comments within the submission.

Word Cloud

Using WordCloud, comments with negative and positive sentiments were selected to create a word cloud to depicts words most found in each respective sentiment.

Sentiment score Boxplot of all Reddit Submission

Using seaborn, boxplots of sentiment scores for all Reddit submissions was created using boxplot, stripplot, and pointplot, to represent all data points and a line graph of all means. A trendline using all means was also included in the figure.

Topic Model

Text Preprocessing

We will use the following techniques to create a corpus for our topic model and to make the model more interpretable:

Click to expand for more details on text preprocessing

Tokenize and Remove Noise

First, we tokenized the text (split the documents into tokens) using the tokenizer `gensim.utils.tokenize()` from Gensim. We removed the following tokens or comments as they don't tend to be useful, and the comments contain a lot of them.

Lemmatize the Tokens

We found some words with the same meaning could occur in one topic, especially gender words. For example, our topic model could generate a topic containing "female", "women", and "woman" at the same time. Gender words are important for our model because we are studying topics like birth control, but words with the same meaning could appear in a topic, which will harm the informativeness of our topic model.

We use the WordNet lemmatizer from NLTK, "nltk.stem.wordnet.WordNetLemmatizer". A lemmatizer could produce more readable words and help our topic model generate more informative topics. This is very desirable in topic modeling.


We find bigrams in the documents(comments) with `gensim.models.Phrases`. Bigrams are sets of two adjacent words. Using bigrams we can get phrases like "birth_control" in our output (spaces are replaced with underscores); without bigrams we would only get "birth" and "control".

Then, add bigrams into our corpus, because we would like to keep the words "birth" and "control" as well as the bigram "birth_control". The following block shows part of phrases found by the bigram model

['fda_approval', 'lasts_years', 'test_subjects', 'sperm_count', 'birth_control', 'family_planning', 'tl_dr', 'reproductive_organs', 'shoot_blanks', 'bullet_proof', 'proof_vest', 'sex_drive', 'paying_child', 'child_support', 'hell_yes', 'female_birth', 'protect_stds', 'male_birth', 'proven_safe', 'birth_controls', 'shooting_blanks', 'approved_fda', 'want_kids', 'hormonal_birth', 'use_condoms', 'shoot_bulletproof', ...]

The output of topic model will show that bigrams indeed improved our model to generate better topics. For instance, some topics contains bigrams `birth_control` and `male_birth`.


Bag-of-words model is an approach to represent a document as a vector. Under the bag-of-words model each document is represented by a vector containing the frequency counts of each word in the dictionary.

For example, assume we have a dictionary containing the words `['coffee', 'milk', 'sugar', 'spoon']`. A document consisting of the string "coffee milk coffee" would then be represented by the vector `[2, 1, 0, 0]`. One of the main properties of the bag-of-words model is that it completely ignores the order of the tokens in the document that is encoded, which is where the name bag-of-words comes from.

Here, we created a dictionary representation of the documents with `gensim.corpora.Dictionary` and `doc2bow()` method could create a corpus as the input of our topic model.

Topic Model Training

Our topic model is based on Latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA). Hyperparameter tuning shows the when the number of topics is 8, the LDA model performs best.

Click to see the details on training and hyperparameter tuning

LDA is a generative statistical model that allows sets of observations to be explained by unobserved groups that explain why some parts of the data are similar. We can build a LDA topic model using `gensim.models.Lda`. We will first discuss how to set some of the training parameters.

First of all, the elephant in the room: how many topics do we need? Let’s perform a series of sensitivity tests to help determine the following model hyperparameters

We’ll perform these tests in sequence, one parameter at a time by keeping others constant and run them over the two different validation corpus sets. We'll use topic coherence, 'C_v', as our choice of metric for performance comparison. We found the default setting, "alpha='symmetric', beta='auto'", perform best, so we will keep this setting to explore the optimal number of topics.

Pick the model that gave the highest 'C_v'. In this case, we picked K=8 with highest average topic coherence 0.6425.


Output of Topic Model

Let’s take a look at these 8 topics generated by our topic models. Each topic is a combination of keywords, and each keyword contributes a certain weightage to the topic. The following cell shows the 8 topics.

Topic 1: 0.057*"female" + 0.034*"pill" + 0.029*"male" + 0.023*"effect" + 0.021*"birth_control" + 0.011*"think" + 0.009*"want" + 0.009*"taking" + 0.008*"control" + 0.007*"like"

Topic 2: 0.039*"male" + 0.038*"female" + 0.021*"effect" + 0.014*"birth_control" + 0.010*"condom" + 0.009*"risk" + 0.009*"control" + 0.008*"option" + 0.008*"people" + 0.007*"use"

Topic 3: 0.028*"male" + 0.025*"yes" + 0.021*"child" + 0.020*"condom" + 0.020*"want" + 0.016*"female" + 0.009*"think" + 0.009*"kid" + 0.008*"people" + 0.008*"option"

Topic 4: 0.018*"effect" + 0.015*"male" + 0.014*"testosterone" + 0.012*"hormone" + 0.010*"pill" + 0.009*"people" + 0.009*"drug" + 0.009*"female" + 0.008*"like" + 0.008*"level"

Topic 5: 0.019*"like" + 0.018*"iud" + 0.017*"year" + 0.012*"time" + 0.011*"pain" + 0.011*"pill" + 0.010*"day" + 0.010*"period" + 0.009*"got" + 0.008*"month"

Topic 6: 0.015*"like" + 0.010*"comment" + 0.010*"thing" + 0.010*"male" + 0.010*"know" + 0.009*"people" + 0.008*"right" + 0.007*"question" + 0.007*"sure" + 0.007*"fucking"

Topic 7: 0.023*"control" + 0.018*"sperm" + 0.017*"study" + 0.015*"removed" + 0.014*"male" + 0.013*"pill" + 0.013*"like" + 0.013*"effect" + 0.012*"trial" + 0.012*"male_birth"

Topic 8: 0.048*"vasectomy" + 0.014*"procedure" + 0.012*"reversible" + 0.009*"vasalgel" + 0.008*"year" + 0.008*"think" + 0.007*"absolutely" + 0.007*"yeah" + 0.007*"surgery" + 0.007*"kid"

Topic Visualization

The above results are hard to read, so we created an interactive graph to interpret the topics, which provides:

For instance, if we choose topic 1 on the left panel, we can see the top most relevant terms for Topic 1 contains, female, pill, male, effect, birth_control, etc. And if we choose the term “pill”, the right panel will show the conditional topic distribution given the term “pill”. Obviously, “pill” is mentioned more in topic 1 than other topics.

Click to expand for more details on topics' visualization

We created this interactive graph with `pyLDAvis` package to interpret the topics.

On the left, the topics are plotted as circles, whose centers are defined by the computed distance between topics (projected into 2 dimensions). The prevalence of each topic is indicated by the circle’s area. On the right, two juxtaposed bars showing the topic-specific frequency of each term (in red) and the corpus-wide frequency (in blueish gray). When no topic is selected, the right panel displays the top 30 most salient terms for the dataset.

Relevance is denoted by λ, the weight assigned to the probability of a term in a topic relative to its lift. When λ = 1, the terms are ranked by their probabilities within the topic (the ‘regular’ method) while when λ = 0, the terms are ranked only by their lift. The interface allows to adjust the value of λ between 0 and 1.

For more details about topics' visualization, please see this paper, LDAvis: A method for visualizing and interpreting topics.

Topic Interpretation

Then, let’s interpret the output of our topic model. We tried to give an interpretation for each topic, which is shown below. Not all generated topics are interpretable, for instance, it’s hard to interpret the combination of the 10 words in topic 6.
